Friday, December 18, 2009

Clickin' my little red heels - Part 5

Hello hello and sorry! Been awhile since I've posted (yet again) and the only excuse I have this time is that I'm EXTREMELY lazy. You know the laziest animal in the world, the sloth? Yeah, sloth parents tell their kids to not be such a "lazy Paul," by far considered one of the worst things a sloth parent can call their children. Sad no?

Anyways, on with the misadventures! If some of you got to know me well enough, you would find that I am NOT a morning person. Not by ANY stretch of the imagination. The same is true for my sister as well but that doesn't keep us from our silly schenanigins every once in awhile... :D

Here's the thing. I am not a morning person. My sister is not a morning person. When it is morning time, my sister is very irritable. Therefore, this requires me to be a morning person so I can irritate her. It's simple mathematics. Or logic. Or whatever you call it. I just like to annoy her okay? :D

Vivi: "Ughhh I hate mornings..."


Vivi: "breeaaaddddddd"

Don't you just love how my sister arranges her breakfast?

One thing you must know about my sister is that she is a giant sissy pants. So when it comes to doing manly stuff like opening jars or working heavy machinery, she has to turn to the man of the house... ME!

"Oh dear brother Paul can you PLEASE
help me with opening this jar?
I am just too weak to do it alone!"

"Of course I can my dear little sister!
Just wait a bit while I... uh... ummm..."

"Uh... thanks Dad..."

He's the real man of the house :C

My sister got some weird peach jam made for her...

So naturally I had to investigate this new phenomenon

My sister even let me try some! NARM NARM NARM! peach jammmmm

Hmmm... what could possibly be hidden under this banana leaf wrapping?


I am happily consuming my breakfast...

The pained expression on my face is my joy in eating...
not because it's so hot that it's burning my sissy tongue :c

Peach jam, orange juice, and a clothing catalog,
part of a wholesome breakfast!


Now to sniff the back of the lady's head... mmmm...

After eating breakfast, we all headed out to the assembly hall.

Vi with Justin.

She still loves the camera ;D

Alphonso "The Back Breaker" Nguyen

Seriously. He will break you.

"C'mon Justin! Learn to love the camera as much as me! Smile!!!"

My cousin Yen. (Pronounced Eee - un)

I just call her Fifty Yen to give her some street cred ;)

Getting ready for rehearsals

It cracks me up that someone actually
wants to video rehearsals.

Haiiii Chi Trinh!!!!

Rumor has it that only men of power are
allowed to sit on these fine seats...

... So why is Tim Do sitting on it?!?!

I always find them snuggling... sigh =_=;;

The slackers, er I mean, the stage crew

Vu: "Why is Thanh so happy?"
Thanh: "You'll find out once the breeze blows your way ;)"

Thanh "I wish I was a Tough Guy" Nguyen

Too bad you're not. :p

I'm done with the "Vi loving the camera jokes"

But seriously. She's not even looking at my camera!

Rumor has it that Jayden is going to be on the next GQ cover...

Hey look! A nice picture with Uncle Paul!

And as payment... he gets to play with my face... :C

Jayden: "I'm a ninja!"

The Business Men

Tony: "C'mere Jayden, wanna play with a squid?"


Now on to the Moses "I'm such a Heartbreaker" Ornelas story. Now usually every year at circuit assembly/district convention I always go to the First Aid desk with my always effective and super hilarious joke (some may beg to differ... well... actually everyone would). It goes a little like this:

Me: "Augh..."
First Aid (FA): "What's the matter?"
Me: "My chest hurts..."
FA: "Are you okay?"
Me: "Yeah... just... you got anything... for a broken heart?"
Me: :c

This time though... when I got to the First Aid desk... a whole new pickup line came to mind...

Moses: I've got a problem with my heart... think you can check it out for me?
Shirley: Sure thing! What happens?
Moses: It beats too fast everytime I'm around you. ;)
Shirley: Oh Moses, you're so funny!
Moses: Let's date.
Shirley: OK!
Paul: Man, I wish I had moves like Moses.

Frickin' Paul!!!

No comment needed. Leashes on babies just crack me up.

Vanessa is so peaceful when she's quiet. :)

I got a little sad taking this picture. Just looking at how much Vanessa has grown up made me realize just how much I missed out on her growing up. I know I"m not family or anything but... being away from my family and friends just makes me realize I'm not there to watch them grow and laugh and be sad or anything like that. And it's just not going to get any better. I knew in a few days I was just going to get into an airplane and not see anyone again for another year or something like that. Sigh.

Babies love to crawl all over the place...
And adults love to watch. xD

Jayden: "Sorry but I signed a contract with GQ stating that only they can take pictures of me."

Vanessa: "Mom!! Make Paul stop taking pictures of meeeee."

Jayden: "Let's get married when we get older okay?"
Vanessa: "Okay!"

Vanessa: "I changed my mind!"
Jayden: "Hey wait! *shrug* Women!"

The Business Men... Part 2

Teen Girl Squad: "Watchu lookin' at foo?!"

Teen Girl Squad: "Word up sonnnnnnn!"

David, what are you doing with Lynna? Get away from my Lil One! >.<

So after the assembly I was talking to Lisa for a little bit while she was keeping watch over the donation box. The problem is she had to go somewhere real quick so I offered to sit in her place for a little while... I figured, "Hey, it's just gonna be for a short while... no big deal!" Right...?

"Doo doo doo... just sittin' here doin' nothin'..."

Hours later...

"Where IS that Lisa! Slacker! I've been here for hours!!!"

Be and someone whose name I don't remember... sorry! :c

After everyone went home from the assembly we had some people come over for tiramisu since Jeff had made some on Friday but it needed to be chilled overnight. As a result, it was ready for all to eat on Sunday. Yom yom yom!

"Must be exactly... in the half point line..."

Vu and Huy and their nephew crashed the party too.
Apparently they smelled tiramisu and decided to "drop by and say hello."

Yeah right!

I hope he cut up enough pieces...


The Council Of Tiramisu Lovers

I had no idea Yen was a coffee drinker. So mature!

Did you notice the box of macademia nut chocolates in the middle?
Yeah it was gone by the end of the day... with 100% of it eaten by me xD

More stalker pictures of Lisa xD

Funny story actually. Lisa originally did not want to come over to eat tiramisu because she was supposed to go out with some other friends. She didn't want to eat and run but I just told her, "Bah who cares! Just come, eat some tiramisu, and leave. I won't be hurt!" I had to apply a ton of peer pressure and eventually she caved in. The end result? She stayed for over 4 hours! Haha! My PoP (powers of persuasion) win again!

Anyways, everyone had a good time, chatting about who knows what, playing wii, making fun of David, you name it. I don't think we've ever had SO MANY people running around in our house before. It was kind of nice. Anyways, eventually everyone had to go home and I went to go sleep over at Thanh's house since the next day... we were getting SUSHI! Yeahhhhhurrr!

To end things... here's a final pic...

I normally don't ever wear turtlenecks cuz I look silly in them.

Gosh do I look silly...