Thursday, November 5, 2009

Can something good... come out of Saint Louis?

Due to high demand (HAPPY NOW ANDY? GOSH!) I've decided to write about a little misadventure I had in Saint Louis. I am currently writing this on my sister's computer (that's right, I'm in San Jose!) so more misadventures are sure to follow in the weeks to come. In any case... it's good to be home. :]

This little misadventure was due to the fact that I had Saturday off (normally I work those nights... sad huh?) so me and a couple from the area decided to have a "day out" and go do some fun "Saint Louis" things. The first item on the menu? Hiking!

Greater Saint Louis (the county and the city) is all on hilly area and very well watered due to the fact that 3 main rivers run through the area. What that translates to is that it is rather heavily forested and there is plenty of good hiking to be done. Not much can be said in words, so here are some pictures!

Cute dog. Too bad he's completely deaf but still hungry for treats :D

Hmmm... the long trail or the short trail?
The question long eluded us until everyone looked at me and my "condition"...
We took the short route :c

This is Abigail. She is absolutely crazy... in a good way...

She's "tying" her shoes... I think it's an excuse to take a long break. Psh!

Dude... that is one crazy lookin' bug.

A view of the Mississippi river...

I really do like messing around with the black and white settings :D

Luke's head is a very good photo subject

For some reason, Abigail thought that it was funny there was a sign that said "Trail" on it...
So I took a picture!
Yeah, I don't really get it either...

Oh noes! Get away Abby!!!! That tree is falling on you!!!!

I feel as though this picture is National Geographic worthy :D

I don't know why, but walking in a dried up creek tickles my fancy.
In your face moving water!!!

Dude! How did my one of my service overseer's eyebrows end up here?!?!

Or is it Minh's eyebrows? (For your Portland people LOL!)

Somewhere in the middle of a trail, we ended up climbing a rather steep hill. It was Luke's grand idea to run up the hill as a good change of pace to get our cardio going... Boys will be boys so Luke and I raced up. Then we realized we left Abby behind... OOPS!!!!

"Hey honey!!!! How's the air down there?!"

Luke's thought: "Oh man I can feel my hair going gray... hurry up already!!!"
Abby's thought: "You are SO sleeping on the couch tonight you jerk."

Luke likes to step on fungus cuz it reminds him of apostates :x

Very vibrant looking red berries. Don't eat them though!!!!

I think a Saint Louisian broke that wood plank, cuz this bridge was designed to support a NORMAL human's weight... OH SNAP!

The light at the end of the tunnel! Oh man I can't wait to just SIT down... ughhhhh

After that hike, we were feelin' the hunger so we decided to head to Pappy's Steakhouse, which is well known for it's BBQ. How well known is it? Let me just say that it's won a ton of top prizes in Texas BBQ contests... and you know how Texans are about their BBQ. Yeah, it's pretty good. ;)

BBQ pork, beans, and sweet potato fries.
Let me just say... don't ever eat sweet potato fries... EVER.
Just trust me on this one...

Deep fried corn on the cob... is there like, ANY nutritional value left in that thing?!

After Pappy's we decided to go to the movies. The thing is that Lucas' study, whose name is Jeff, has worked at the same theater for over 13 years so he's somewhat of a celebrity. He is disabled and is confined to a wheelchair but he commutes to and from his work. The problem is that the part of Saint Louis he lives in isn't very big on sidewalks so it's fairly unsafe for him to travel in the dark. His solution? He's tied two lightsabers to the handles of his wheelchair.

That is just plain awesome.

Anyways, since Jeff is the local celebrity, he can pretty much do anything in the theater and get away with it. As such, he gave me and my companions free pass to watch two movies that night for the low low cost of ABSOLUTELY nothing. Man! I wish I had friends in high places. When we were headed off to the second movie he had a police officer escort us to make sure no one would give us any trouble. I felt sooooo important. :D

After the movies, we headed to Lucas' home and we just talked about his projects he was going to have done to his house and in the end, I scored a piano keyboard for the low low cost of ABSOLUTELY nothing yet again. DUDE! Asians = <3>

All in all, not a bad little misadventure. It's a short one since this all happened in just half a day, so what do you expect?! Don't judge me!!


  1. oh! i went to st.louis a couple years ago cuz i have friends there and let me say ITS BEAUTIFUL!!!!

    seriously i lOOOVED that hUUge park that they have somewhere near a library? museum? anywhOos its seriously gorgeous there.

    bUt the mississippi river is soo gross looking ..

  2. @Chris: The Mississippi is pretty gross cuz the Missouri river dumps right into it... if you thought the Mississippi was bad... wait till you see the Missouri @__@

    And uhm, there's a lot of parks in STL so I'm not too sure which one you're thinking of. And I haven't really been to any of the museums or libraries yet :c someday... someday... :c

  3. Didn't this technically happen...A LONG time ago??

    Ohh STL is actually really pretty! Hiking over there sounds fun!! About Mihn's eyebrows. Puhahah Yeah I can definitely agree with you on that. Btw, you have this weird hate for fat people. So messed up dood. LOL

  4. I want to go hiking... Its been so long! Please bee a kool asian and mail me some fried CORN!!!! YES!
