Saturday, May 9, 2009

One Minor Note...

Before I go on with a retelling of the road trip that Thanh and I embarked on, I wanted to make a little note about today's misadventure.

I will explain further in another post, but the short story is this: The Fenwicks are moving out of their current duplex to move into their new home which is about 4 blocks away.  That said, a lot needed to be moved.  For this Saturday, Br. Fenwick wanted to clear out the basement.  At least... that was his goal.

This morning, Sis. Fenwick woke me up at 6:00 AM (WHAT?!) and said it was time to get ready.  We didn't even have to be there until 7!  Let me have my sleep, woman! (j/k to Sis. Fenwick if you ever happen to read this)  That was shaft #1.

Shaft #2 was when Br. Fenwick told me that he had stomach problems and he needed me to drive the U-haul truck instead.  Great, the last thing I needed was to have the responsiblity of driving a huge truck that can easily tip over with enough weight in it and has tires way too small to properly handle any amount of weight.

Shaft #3 occurred right when we began to start moving stuff.  Br. Fenwick felt too sick to go on and promptly jumped into bed and slept for the next 5 hours... THE NEXT FIVE HOURS!  That said, me and Br. Lewis worked by ourselves for about an hour until our relief crew came by (consisting of Brett, B.J., and Carmine).  Promptly at their arrival, Br. Lewis and I took a break and I munched on a healthy breakfast of Frosted Mini Wheats (with no milk, since they use powered milk... ugh! [j/k again to Sis. Fenwick]).

After about two hours of work... this is about how far we got...

Quite sad isn't it?  It didn't even look like we made a dent in the basement at all!  Sigh.  Anyways, onwards to some more pics!

I don't think Br. Floyd thought moving out an 
entire basement was hard enough, 
so he decided to start exercising...

Hey!  When Jesus said we have to be fishers of men, 
I think He meant it symbolically!

This is about how far we got until help arrived...

These guys...

Just to let you know, those three new faces (other than Brett) are (from front to back): James Collins, Daniel Collins, and Jason Davidson.  These guys... came around 11:30, which is about 4 1/2 hours AFTER we were supposed to start.  Way to go guys.  Way... to... go...

Something else of note is that Br. Fenwick had a LOT of exercise equipment.  One of which was one of those total gyms that use a pulley system.  Yeah, we had to dismantle that a little bit.

This is almost a joke waiting to happen:
"Hey! How many guys does it take
to take apart an exercise machine?!"

So anyways, yeah, we finally got around to moving a bulk of everything into the truck.  We took the truck down four blocks to the new house and unloaded a few boxes before taking a lunch break.  Of course, we let the newcomers do the rest of the work since well... they didn't really do anything!  We stopped at a local deli for some awesome sandwiches and discussed "deep" subjects.  One of the subjects was actually how guys get to talk about deep things and their feelings when having a beer together since well... there's something to blame it on!  Guys normally don't share their "feelings" with each other, so it's nice to have a scapegoat sometimes. One of the brothers actually touched me... ON THE KNEE.  Okay, maybe he just slapped it a bit, but it kind of lingered a bit.  Awkward...

Anyways, we came back, finished the rest of the truck load and headed off to the Uhaul.  There was a slight misunderstanding between Br. Fenwick and the service lady so I just stepped outside and took a couple of pictures.

Crazy angles rock!

I really like how the lack of hills make the clouds stand out on their own.  So cool.

Anyways, after that whole ordeal, we just went home.  Br. Fenwick went back to sleep and I decuded to follow suit.  What a misadventure I tell you!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting pics! It's easier for me to see things. haha.
